
Primary School
Engagement, good habits and the foundations of life-long learning
Primary school is where our youngest students begin to engage with formal education. It’s during these early years that good learning and social habits are established, as they start to explore ideas about their community and their relationship with it. Students participate in a fun, supportive, challenging and inspiring environment.
Being a Reception – Year 12 school allows our primary students to benefit from the expertise of specialist teachers as well as providing access to specialist facilities.
Reception to Year 6
Students from Reception to Year 6 study the Australian Curriculum, which includes:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science, including agriculture
- Humanities and Social Sciences, including history, geography, civics and citizenship, and economics
- Japanese
- Health and Physical Education
- Technologies (incorporating digital and design technology)
- Creative Arts (incorporating visual & media arts, music, drama & dance)
Primary School Extra-curricular Options
- Instrumental Music
- Choir
- Children’s University
- Lunchtime clubs
See our Learning Programs section for other opportunities within our school for extra-curricular engagement.

Middle School
Broadening outlooks, developing skills, and becoming well-rounded learners
During the Middle School years, students build upon the foundations they established in Primary School and begin to expand their interests, ideas and enquiries. While they start to think more globally, they’re also encouraged to explore their relationships with the local community to a greater level. It is also in these years that students take their first steps towards considering future pathways in learning, careers and community.
Years 7 to 9
The Middle School curriculum is designed to progress learning in the core subjects, as well as introducing new specialties.
Subjects include:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science, including biology, chemistry, physics, earth and space science
- Humanities & Social Sciences, including civics & citizenship, geography, history and business enterprise
- Japanese
- Health & Physical Education
- Creative Arts (Visual Arts & Drama)
- Technologies (Digital, Design, Food & Agriculture)
Middle School students have a home group teacher who will know them well and will communicate with parents and caregivers. They also have access to specialist teachers and facilities to extend their learning across all areas of the curriculum.

Senior School
Preparation for life beyond the school gates
Senior School is when our students start to think more intently about their future – from tertiary studies and careers to the expectations they will face as adults. During these senior years, students experience enhanced freedoms in subject choices. Along with this comes greater responsibility for their learning. Students are fully supported and guided by staff and the caring, close-knit Oakbank School community.
SACE Information https://www.sace.sa.edu.au/studying
SACE Students Online https://apps.sace.sa.edu.au/students-online/login.do
Year 10
Year 10 studies are based around the Australian Curriculum framework and prepare students for their pathways for Years 11 & 12 and beyond.
Year 10 students are introduced to their SACE journey with the subject Exploring Identities & Futures and are able to provide input into subjects studied in addition to the compulsory core subjects. The Year 10 curriculum at Oakbank School includes:
Compulsory subjects:
- English
- History
- Mathematics
- Exploring Identities & Futures (EIF)
- Physical Education
- Science, including biology, chemistry, physics, and earth and space sciences
Other subjects (semester or full-year) that may be offered:
- Agriculture
- Art
- Business Enterprise
- Design Technology
- Digital Technology
- Food Technology
- Physical Education (additional semester)
Year 11 and 12
Year 11 & 12 studies are based around the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE). SACE is studied at Stage 1 (Year 11) and Stage 2 (Year 12) levels. The SACE is a modern, internationally-recognised secondary school qualification designed to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and personal capabilities to successfully participate in our fast-paced global society. Students are awarded the SACE if they successfully complete requirements that include a range of skills and subjects that may be studied at school or may have acquired through other education, training or experience.
SACE Stage 1 and Stage 2
SACE Stage 1 (Year 11) and Stage 2 (Year 12) sees students tailor their curriculum to their fields of interest and their goals, while continuing to develop their abilities in core subjects. The Oakbank School SACE curriculum recognises that there are many different ways for students to reach their goals – from those wishing to gain essential work qualifications including traineeships and apprenticeships to those students looking to enter university or TAFE courses.
Subjects in Year 11 and 12 include:
Compulsory subjects:
- English
- Mathematics
- Activating Identities & Futures (AIF)
Other subjects (semester or full-year) that may be offered include:
- Agriculture
- Art – visual, creative or community
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Child Studies
- Digital Technologies
- Food and Hospitality
- History
- Design Technologies
- Physics
- Psychology
- Society and Culture
- Workplace Practices
- Physical Education.

Flexible Pathways
At Oakbank, our aim to empower students to explore career options and make informed choices for their future beyond school.
We want all our students to thrive and prosper.
Vocational Education & Training (VET)
As part of their SACE, students can complete vocational education and training (VET) that is within the AQF (Australian Qualifications Framework). The SACE Board’s recognition arrangements enable students to build meaningful pathways in the SACE through VET.
Oakbank School is a member of the Adelaide Hills Student Pathways (AHSP) group, which provides a number of accredited Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses each year to students and others from within the Adelaide Hills’ community.
The successful completion of certain VET units may be included in a student’s SACE units, and a full Certificate III or higher may potentially be used towards an ATAR for University entrance.
The VET programs offered will vary according to demand and employment opportunities.
School Based Apprenticeships & Traineeships
A School Based Apprenticeship or Traineeship (SBAT) gives you the unique opportunity to combine VET training with an employment contract whilst still completing your SACE. SBATs are generally highly valued by employers and are a valid pathway for students to transition from school to employment, further training or higher education.
Open Access
Students who wish to study subjects that are not offered onsite may be supported through accessing Open Access learning. This ensures that students who require a subject for a specific pathway will have access to this. In order to undertake Open Access studies, students must first demonstrate a need, commitment and ability to study in an online environment.
Senior School Curriculum Guide
Adelaide Hills Student Pathways Alliance (AHSP) https://www.ahsps.com.au/courses
- My Future https://www.myfuture.edu.au
- Your Career https://www.yourcareer.gov.au
- Australian Apprenticeship Pathways https://www.aapathways.com.au/

Learning Programs
Agricultural Focus
Oakbank School has a working farm on our 22-acre site and a long history in delivering agricultural programs. Currently we have a coherent agriculture curriculum for student from Reception to Year 12.
We run a successful agricultural enterprise including being the only school in the state with a commercial free range chicken enterprise providing high-quality free-range eggs to local shops and cafes.
The agriculture program has been highly successful in providing students with skills and knowledge in agriculture, as well as fostering career pathways into the local horticulture and viticulture industries, as well as grains and meat and livestock sectors across Australia and internationally.
Our agricultural program outcomes align with The Grain Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) 5-year plan and Grain Producers SA (GPSA) Blueprint for Agriculture, as well as with Dairy Australia (DA) and Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) strategic priorities.
A large number of students particulate in show teams, both country shows and the Royal Adelaide show, each year experiencing great success as well as growth in their confidence with real world events.
Sport and Physical Activity
Physical fitness is strongly linked with good learning outcomes and sound emotional and mental wellbeing. Accordingly, Oakbank School encourages all students to participate in physical activity and we are proud of our sporting achievements.
The school gymnasium is used for a variety of sports within the Physical Education program, for intra-school and inter-school sport and also by the local sporting community. Our Health and Physical Education programs, school events and inter-school sports include:
- Athletics Day (Reception to Year 12)
- Badminton
- Australian Rules Football
- Netball
- SAPSASA sports
- Soccer
- Sports Clinics
- State-level Middle and Senior School athletics carnivals
- Table Tennis
- Volleyball
- Basketball
Co-curricular and Extra-curricular Activities
Oakbank School’s co-curricular and extra-curricular options have been created to give students the chance to explore areas of interest more deeply, challenge themselves in the spirit of competition, and open their eyes to the world beyond our own community. Historically, activities have included:
- Curriculum competitions
- Operation Flinders wilderness adventure program
- Career Open Days
- International Buddy Program
- Agricultural programs
- Regional and national sports carnivals
- Oliphant Science Awards competition
- Royal Adelaide Show competitions

Inclusive Education
Gifted and Talented Students
In valuing and promoting students’ individual strengths, Oakbank School recognises the needs of gifted and talented students, and supports their unique learning needs by:
- Welcoming gifted students to the school
- Identifying gifted and talented students already within the school
- Accommodating flexible curriculum arrangements, including acceleration where appropriate
- Providing training and development for teachers, to enhance the opportunities for our gifted students
Academic Support
Oakbank School aims to develop students’ skills so that they can grow into independent, responsible and creative learners.
Support structures within the school include:
- Literacy and numeracy support programs from Reception through to Year 9
- Specific learning support for students from Reception to Year 12
- Providing SSO (School Services Officer) support for students
- Supporting Care Group teachers and Year Level Leaders in providing assistance and guidance for students.
Inclusive Education Team
- Assistant Principal, Inclusion & Wellbeing
Maddy Eccleston

Wellbeing Programs
Student wellbeing is a vital aspect of the Oakbank School community and one affects the academic, social, and emotional development of our students. Research shows that students who feel safe, supported, and engaged in school are more likely to achieve higher grades, attend school regularly, and have positive relationships with peers and teachers.
Oakbank School is committed to promoting and enhancing student wellbeing through various programs, policies, and practices that foster a culture of care, respect, and belonging for all.
Student Wellbeing Team
The Student Wellbeing Team works with students, parents/caregivers and staff to provide support in the areas of personal and relationship issues, behavioural or attendance concerns, harassment, conflict resolution, career clarification and pathways, work experience, study skills, and organisation.
Students are encouraged to be open with their families, and parents/caregivers are encouraged to contact the school about any concerns that they may have regarding their children.
Pastoral Care Worker
Pastoral Care Workers do not promote nor discriminate on the grounds of any particular ideology, but work to enable a supportive, inclusive and caring learning environment within the school for all students. Oakbank School has been a part of the National School Chaplaincy Program for many years and the position is funded and supported by local churches.
The Pastoral Care Worker is a part of the Wellbeing Team and also acts as a resource person for staff and students, assisting the Student Counsellor and being involved in class and extra-curricular activities and to discuss matters of a personal nature. Ryan Matulick is our Pastoral Care Worker for 2023 and is available two days a week.
Wellbeing & Education Team
- Assistant Principal, Inclusion & Wellbeing
Maddy Eccleston - Wellbeing Leader
Jasmin Ferraro
- Counsellor
Liz May
- Pastoral Care Worker
Ryan Matulick