

Daymap Connect (Parents & Caregivers) 

Daymap Connect is our parents’ and caregivers’ first port-of-call. Parents are able to keep track of the latest school information and to help see student attendance, homework, assignments, newsletters, school calendar and messages to and from teachers and the school. Please see our guides and resources below and feel free to contact us should you require any assistance.

Sign in: Parents have individual Parent IDs that are their username. If you forget what this is or need to reset your password, go the site and select “Forgotten Password?” and enter in the email you have registered with the school and any of your child’s Student IDs (they should know this). this will send you an email with your ID and a link to reset your password. Alternatively, contact the school and we can send a reset email for you.

Resources & Guides 

Staff & Students

Daymap (Learning – Students and Teachers) 

Students and staff use Daymap to keep track of the latest school information and to help manage timetables, appointments, learning resources, and subject requirements including homework and assignments.

Daymap is the students’ and parents’/caregivers’ first port-of-call for any enquiries.

Sign in: Whenever students and staff see the EdPass logo, select Oakbank School (may still be Area School) and use your curriculum username and password.

Resources & Guides 
      EdPass Portal

      The EdPass Portal is the first place to go for students and staff to access school services. These include (but are not limited to) Microsoft 365 apps and services, offering students and staff access to Microsoft Office online and offline products (Word, Powerpoint and Excel, OneDrive and Teams etc) and other services.

      Sign in: Whenever you see the EdPass logo, select Oakbank School (may still be Area School) and use your curriculum username and password.

      Microsoft 365

      Microsoft 365 offers students and staff access, both on and offline access to Microsoft Office products (such as Word, Powerpoint and Excel) and OneDrive free of charge whilst students are enrolled in our school. It is accessible via the EdPass Portal. We recommend students install and sign in to the OneDrive app on their laptops to back up work and ensure accessibility.

      Sign in: Go to the EdPass Portal and sign in to use Microsoft 365 online services. To sign in to Microsoft Office apps and OneDrive, enter you @schools email address and then whenever you see the EdPass logo, select Oakbank School (may still be Area School) and use your curriculum username and password.



          Having trouble? Talk to your teacher or contact us by calling the school or logging a job with our IT Services team on the details below.

          Log a job with OAS IT Services