Our School

About Us
Principal’s Welcome
On behalf of the entire school community, I would like to welcome you to our school.
Whether your focus is on Primary, Middle or Senior School years, we are confident that you will find a caring, inspiring and rewarding learning environment where creativity, sustainability, curiosity and wellbeing are fostered throughout every aspect of the school day.
As a supportive, close-knit school with strong community ties and values, we work together in nurturing students as they grow in life – discovering their unique talents, and developing the skills, knowledge, abilities and resilience that are all vital to their success at school and beyond.
Your child will be encouraged and their achievements celebrated. We also appreciate that, during every young person’s developmental years, there will be times when they need our support and guidance. Oakbank staff are highly experienced in recognising those moments and providing that support. Student leaders are also expected to play a role in creating and sustaining a safe, welcoming environment for their peers.
As students progress through the years, they can also look forward to growing into the responsibilities that come with greater freedoms in curriculum choices, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, and personal organisation. Students are encouraged to put their individual skills to good use by taking an active role in the school and wider Oakbank community, and begin to realise and appreciate their value as citizens in a global society.
Our school community has come a long way since the first classrooms opened in 1938, and we are always looking to enhance the opportunities for our students, recognise their contributions to the life of the school, and provide them with a rich, fulfilling and valuable foundation, which supports them as they grow into young, conscientious, community-minded adults.
Lee Knight

Meet our Team
Our school leadership team is composed of experienced and dedicated professionals who work together to support the vision, mission, and values of our school. They are approachable and responsive to the needs and concerns of our students, staff, and parents.

Lee Knight

Heath Perrott
Deputy Principal

Karalyn Jones
Assistant Principal - Primary School

Bob Buxton
Assistant Principal, Senior School

Maddy Eccleston
Assistant Principal, Inclusion and Wellbeing

Rachel Sant
Learning Culture Leader, Middle School

Kat Thompson
Student Culture Leader, Senior School

Jasmin Ferraro
Wellbeing Leader

Wendy Hayes
Business Manager

Vision & Values
Oakbank School, our values of Connection, Respect and Responsibility are at the centre of all we do. By providing an authentic values based education, relevant and timely for our students and their learning journey, each student is valued and nurtured to grow in their character and capabilities for every future endeavour.
Through connection to our Oakbank School history, our place and space in the Adelaide Hills, and to one another, our students learn what it means to belong in a community of learners.
By valuing one another, honouring diverse perspectives, and respecting those with whom we learn and live, our students grow as respectful citizens and contributors to our school and wider community.
When we share a deep responsibility for who we are and where we learn, we each make a unique and profound contribution to Oakbank School and its identity.
Our values shape who we are and who we become. At Oakbank School, we grow connected, respectful and responsible students of today, and leaders of tomorrow.

Oakbank Area School, named in 1944 (formerly known as Oakbank Consolidated School), was formed when the two primary schools of Balhannah and Oakbank were merged in 1938. In 2022 we became Oakbank School.
Located between these two picturesque towns, our school is the only Reception to Year 12 state school in the Adelaide Hills providing holistic education and an effortless transition into secondary education.

Virtual Tour
Click the image to take the Virtual Tour

Governing Council
Our Governing Council works with the Principal to help set and monitor the broad direction of the school, providing governance and parent and community engagement. Our Governing Council is comprised of our Principal and staff and parent representatives who meet at least two times a term to talk about the direction for the site.
Meetings are a big part of being on a governing council, but it’s not only that!
Governing Council members work with the Principal to:
- involve the local community
- develop and approve local policies
- set the broad direction and vision of the site
- monitor and review the site improvement plan
- be the employing authority of some services, including OSHC and canteen.
The Principal works with the Governing Council to:
- give educational leadership
- carry out the site’s policies
- carry out the site improvement plan.
Want to be a part of our Governing Council or have a something to raise? Contact us to find out more!
2023-4 Governing Council
Alistair MacPherson
Elisa Wilkey
Katrina Windebank
Darren Pfeiffer
Rebecca Reid
Stephen Nicholson
Sam MacPherson
Tania Featherstone
Carol Koehler
Tyler Wilcock
Max Mules
Lee Knight
Business Manager & Secretary
Wendy Hayes

Student Leadership
Oakbank School fosters and celebrates student leadership through various opportunities and all students are encouraged to participate in student leadership activities. In the middle and senior years, students are selected by their peers to form the Student Leadership Council (SLC). This group involves itself in a range of activities relevant to student wellbeing, school activities, processes and policies, the curriculum, and other areas of student and community concern.